jeudi 5 janvier 2017

Iron levels low? Put this fish in your cup of tea or pot of soup

Low iron levels in your blood can make you feel dizzy, fatigued, and lightheaded, not to mention causing a fast heart rate, shortness of breath and other unpleasant side effects. One way to increase your levels is to take an iron supplement. But if you aren’t a fan of adding more pills to your diet, you might want to consider the Lucky Iron Fish. It’s a cast iron fish that you can place in a pot of soup, water for tea, etc. and it will leach iron into the food to provide up to 75% of your daily recommended dose. The Lucky Iron Fish is vegan and vegetarian-friendly as no fish were harmed in the making of the Lucky Iron Fish 😉 B-Corp, the company who makes and sells the Lucky Iron Fish will donate one fish to a family in Cambodia, where half the population suffers from an iron deficiency. You can buy your own Lucky Fish for $25 from

Filed in categories: Health, Fitness, Sports, News


Iron levels low? Put this fish in your cup of tea or pot of soup originally appeared on The Gadgeteer on January 5, 2017 at 8:11 am.

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Iron levels low? Put this fish in your cup of tea or pot of soup

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